Friday, March 16, 2007

the memories continue........

all hope is lost...... i just dont know what to do anymore. it seems like i have lost all interestes in everything but my work. i bunked lectures again today. i just cannot face those memories. even my room is filled with them. looks like this whole me being alone in the house is making it worse. but hey, atleast work is good. it gives me a reason to get myself out of this isolation. gives me a reason to go out and socialise. its at times like these that you really appreciate the friends you have. it helps to get your mind off things. it helps to take the painfull memories away. when you live in a house full of these memories, it is a great relief to take the burden away. but it is only for a little while and sure enough, they do return when i am alone in these places. i can feel it weighing down on me. i am neither here nor there. i just dont wanna live anymore.

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