Sunday, May 13, 2007

the new me

ok.... i know i havent posted in a long time now.... so here is a quick update... the new light..... i made sure she didnt stay long.... she is gone.... i have introduced some pretty major changes to my life.... and the road to the new me is a hard and painful one.... but only one person can walk this road..... that is me.... and i have to do it sooner or later.... so i have decided.... stop procrastinating.... and make it sooner rather then later.... i have my target set for 6 months.... and so i am pushing myself hard for that target.... and at the end of that time, i am hoping to be a much better person..... but i really wanna make this a major change in my life.... not just a short term thing.... and after just one week, i feel better about myself already... as far as other aspects of my life go, i have finally found happiness amongst mates.... i am finally at peace with myself.... and i enjoy my life now as compared to before... i am finally enjoying the freedom of not having to answer to anyone.... no more restrictions.... i LOVE IT!!!

thank you god for doing all you have done for me..... and most important of all.... a BIG thank you to all of my friends for being there for me through my really rough time.... i dont know where i would be without you people...