Tuesday, May 06, 2008

that song and THAT girl

so i just noticed that its been a long time since i last posted a blog entry. so here i thought i would share my thoughts with you once again. this entry was inspired one night when i was walking back from from my busstop after a day at uni. the usual stuff... walking back with the ipod on. that was when a song came on by the killers. its called Smile like you mean it. and i was thinking to myself, man this is one of my "older" music collections... i got that song when i was in high school and i started to think what my life was like back then. that was a song i got when i was with my very first gf. might i say she had the prettiest eyes ever. i was a sucker for those eyes the minute i met her. the way it used to make her face light up everytime she smiled. then i remembered how it did not work out with her. then more thinking led me to this. that the most beautiful people are not the ones with the flawless skin. they are not always the ones that say the right things. it truly is whats on the inside that matters. the people you end up liking the most could very well be those that dont have the flawless skins... the ones that dont always say the right things. they are REAL people. thinking about this right now, i laugh to myself.... as to how immature people can be when they are young... but then again... that is how one grows up.... you learn those important lessons through experience. coz in the books, the girls are always perfect, the guys are always muscly. unfortunately, life is not a book. life is not perfect. and if you are not prepared for it, life WILL screw you over. its sort of like when your parents put some sort of restrictions on you. atthe time, you hate it. you swear at them under your breath for it. but when you look back on the situatio a couple of years later, you realise (in some cases) how right they were and how stupid you were at the time for not listening to it.

ahhh.... those were the good old days. when the worst worry was my calculus class... electronics was a time pass... and the day was pretty routine and everyday i would see that girl with the pretty eyes. boy things do change really quickly huh.... whether they are for the best or worse, that is one conclusion that i will arrive to at the very end. after the time i draw my last breath. till then, i live it all out. no holding back.

no regrets


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