Wednesday, February 07, 2007


This has been one screwed up day. Everything thats gone wrong has. What is one person to do when his entire world comes to a crashing halt?? You pick up the pieces and put it back together. No matter what the cost. Its so screwed up that i dont even want to think on it. On the other hand, today i was with my dad the whole day helping him out with a job at an office. That gave me a good opportunity to have a talk with him about future business opportunities and the possible implications of such a business venture. But at the moment its gonna be a bit tough juggling a full-time job and a business. But nothing in this life is ever convenient. But lets see if this will work out in the first place before we get into too much details about it. The pay will sure as hell be a tad bit better. but then again, with a business venture such as this one, the capital required is a sizeable amount. but then again, the rewards are just as good as well. lets see what 2moro has in store.

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